NH Quarter Notes Editorial Policy and Submission Guidelines

Editorial Policy and Submission Guidelines


Editorial Policy

  1. The NH Quarter Notes will publish solicited and non-solicited material. Solicited material will be given first priority, followed by unsolicited material by authors that are members of NHMEA.
  2. Articles and news items written to promote a non-affiliate organization or commercial enterprise will be treated as advertisement and redirected to the advertising reservation form.
  3. All unsolicited manuscripts will be acknowledged in writing by the editor. Authors will be notified via e-mail if their article will be included in the upcoming issue. All manuscripts not included in the current issue will be kept on file for future use. Authors will receive a complimentary copy of NH Quarter Notes that contains their work.
  4. Once an article is included in NH Quarter Notes, copyright belongs to NH Quarter Notes. Permission to reprint articles in other MEA journals and NAfME journals and Spotlight Series books may be granted by the NH Quarter Notes editor. Notification will be made to authors when reprints are approved.
  5. Submitted articles may be edited for length, style, substance, structure, grammar, and spelling. A reasonable attempt will be made via e-mail to allow each author final review. The editor of NH Quarter Notes has the final authority on all editorial decisions.
  6. The opinions expressed in articles, news items, and updates do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, NH Quarter Notes, or the New Hampshire Music Educators Association.
  7. Submissions written to promote a commercial enterprise will be treated as an advertisement and will not be published as articles. However, we encourage individuals or entities interested in advertising to submit materials through our Advertising Reservation Form.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Submissions should be relevant to topics of music education at any level and of interest to music educators. Articles should be new, original work that has not been previously published.
  2. Short news-type announcements are welcome and will be placed in an appropriate section of the magazine as determined by the editor.
  3. Submitted manuscripts should be concise and well-constructed. Articles should be approximately 1,000 words in length (1,800 word maximum). Authors wishing to submit significantly longer material should contact the editor to discuss splitting the article into multiple sections to be printed as a series.
  4. Manuscripts should be submitted as a Word document file (e-mail attachment) whenever possible. Google Docs are also acceptable.
  5. Authors are encouraged to include images (photos) and illustrations with articles. Music examples can greatly enhance the effectiveness of an article, as can photography. Electronic images should be saved in .jpeg, .tiff, or .pict format at a high resolution. Images should not be placed directly into a Word document. Please submit them as a separate file.
  6. Manuscripts containing footnotes and/or quotations must contain a full bibliographic reference. Footnotes and references should be in Chicago Manual of Style format.
  7. Your primary goal as an author is to engage the reader. Address a limited and clearly stated topic. Write in the present tense, and speak to the reader in easy to understand language and terminology.