Large Group Festival

Large Group Festival


Large Group ChairpersonEmma Forest

March 15 & 22, 2025

Host sites:

March 15, 2025     Weekend 1 – Large Group Festival @ Pelham Memorial School (Instrumental) / Pelham Elementary (Choral)

March 22, 2025     Weekend 2 – Large Group Festival @ Bow High School

What is Large Group?

The New Hampshire Music Educators Association, through the Large Group Festival, wishes to provide a means of competent, objective evaluation of musical performance without the obvious problems inherent in school music “contest” formats. Participants in the Large Group Festival may perform on an adjudicated basis for a rating, or for comments only. Those who elect to perform for a rating must select music in accordance with the requirements set forth in the following regulations and sightread. Music selections for sight reading will be one grade level lower than the ensemble’s performance level. This plan allows the director to choose music of a degree of difficulty suited to his or her own group, regardless of school enrollment or other arbitrary factors. Quality of performance involving tone, intonation, balance, phrasing, rhythmic accuracy, etc., is emphasized. Students are motivated by the desire to earn a high rating, rather than by competition with other students or a need to “win”.


The Large Group Festival is not just for participants! Have you considered what a great source for professional development this festival is, even if your students are not participating? Remember that even while the sight-reading/clinic areas are not open to the public, the performance areas are. What a great way to listen to your colleagues ensembles and get some new ideas for repertoire!