Solo and Ensemble Information – Upload Deadline Extended!

This year the Solo and Ensemble Festival will be held virtually.  Students will submit video recordings through OPUS Events much like All-State and Jazz All-State auditions.  

Application deadline – January 30, 2021

Video submission deadline- February 20, 2021 (submission window extended)

Results will be sent to teachers by March 5, 2021

Register for the festival on OPUS – There is a $20 fee per entry for a solo or an ensemble, invoices are generated after registration.

Registration is now open.


OPUSEVENT Video Tutorials

Step 1: Create an OpusEvent Account (Teachers ONLY) – If you created one for Jazz/Classical All-State Auditions you do NOT need to create a new account.

Step 2: Submit a Solo and/or Ensemble Registration and Payment/Invoice

Step 3: Submitting your Solo/Ensemble Entry 

          – Please note: When you have uploaded the video file and see a green check mark. Your submission is complete. There is no submit button.